
Wandering Jew 6 Hanging Pot ‘Tradescantia zebrina





  • Unique bright colors -green with purple stripes, have a silver shine
  • They look gorgeous in hanging baskets, or set atop a pedestal, where the tendrils can cascade down
  • Easy to care houseplant: Provide morning sun or very bright indirect or artificial light, Water thoroughly when dry

Details: Wandering Jew is a fast growing, easy to care for plant that looks beautiful hanging in front of a window that gets bright, indirect light but no direct sun. bright light essential for colorful leaves.The colorful patterned leaves, green with purple stripes, have a silver shine. Keep the soil evenly moist (but never soggy) at all times. Water them thoroughly, and allow the excess to drain from the bottom of the pot. Reduce water in winter. One easy way to increase the humidity level around your wandering jew plant is to run a humidifier next to it. You should also keep an indoor humidity monitor near your plants.


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