
(2 Pack) 4′ Pot Neon Devil’s Ivy ‘Pothos – Epipremnum’





  • Low-maintenance and easy-going nature
  • Perfect for a beginner gardener or a busy one and can thrive both indoors and outdoors.
  • Light: bright, indirect sunlight Water: occasional watering
  • Immidate Shipping 1-2 days!

Details: Receiving 2 plants in 4 inch pots. The Devil’s ivy plant has been one of the top indoor plants for several decades, not just because of how easy they are to grow, but for the fact that you can shape and train their vines. Devil’s Ivy is a very low-light tolerant plant. They prefer bright, but no direct sunlight. You can place them near a window or in a dark corner, as they can tolerate even the lowest light conditions. They are drought-tolerant plants and appreciate waterings only when their potting soil has dried out


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